2016 King of the Hammers Presents Wickham Racing with a Chance for Redemption

Wickham Racing Brothers to compete in 2016 KOH Every Man Challenge

Wickham Racing is family run and consists of brothers Kyle Wickham who drives the 4823 car, Jade Wickham serves as the co-driver, and Doug their father acts as the crew chief

Each February since 2007 thousands upon thousands of off-road, Jeep, 4x4, and ATV enthusiasts make the pilgrimage to Means Dry Lake in the Johnson Valley OHV area near Landers, California for one of the largest off-road events in the United States. This special event combines the thrills of high-speed desert racing with extreme rock crawling and due to the many trails with hammer in the name; this event has earned the title King of the Hammers (KOH). The King of the Hammers has grown from the original 2007 race of 13 invitation only competitors to a weeklong festival of everything off-road.

Hammerking Productions presents 2016 King of the Hammers

Hammerking Productions combines high-speed desert racing with rock crawling and due to many trails with “hammer” in the name; the race in Johnson Valley is called King of the Hammers (KOH)

The 2015 King of the Hammers was the first time that the Spectre Performance supported Wickham Racing team entered this brutal event. Wickham Racing is family run and consists of Brothers Kyle Wickham who drives the 4823 car, Jade Wickham serving as the co-driver, and their father Doug acts as the crew chief. The Wickham brothers compete in the Legends 4800 class in the Ultra4 Racing off-road series. For King of the Hammers, 4800 class Legends racers participate in the SmittyBilt Every Man Challenge held the day before the big 4400 class race.

For their first attempt to become King of the Hammers, the Wickham Racing team did quite well in 2015. Unfortunately, much like the majority of the field, Kyle and Jade Wickham suffered mechanical failures on the course and were unable to finish the 2015 KOH race. This isn't to say the Wickham Brothers gave up easily, as it was their fourth mechanical failure that sealed their fate. Around mile 76 of the 2015 course, and with just 1 hour left to finish the race, a power steering failure disabled the 4823 car. Realizing the possibility of finishing within the allotted time was out of the question the brothers admitted defeat.

Wickham Racing relies on Spectre Performance Air Filters

Wickham Racing relies on a custom air intake system made using Spectre Air Intake Components and Spectre HPR Air Filter HPR0882K for their Ultra4 and King of the Hammers racing efforts

Kyle and Jade Wickham waiting to leave the KOH 2016 starting line

Kyle and Jade Wickham will leave the KOH 2016 starting line in their Spectre Performance HPR air filter equipped # 4823 car at 8:00 am on Thursday February 4, 2016

In 2015 when the Wickham brothers were asked if they'd be back for KOH in 2016 Kyle Wickham was quick to say We'll definitely do it again next year. That was almost exactly a year ago, and the Wickham Racing team has come a long way since the 2015 KOH. They will need that kind of will and determination to get through the 2016 King of the Hammers. Despite their DNF in the 2015 KOH the Wickham Brothers followed the Ultra4 Racing series and overcame extreme adversity at nearly every round to finish well. Barring any extreme unforeseen circumstances Wickham Racing stands an excellent chance at KOH 2016.

The 2016 King of the Hammers week will begin January 29th, 2016 for registration, practice, and qualifying. The first race of the week will be the King of the Motos on January 31, 2016. Kyle and Jade Wickham will leave the starting line in their Spectre Performance HPR air filter equipped # 4823 car at 8:00 am on Thursday February 4, 2016. Wickham Racing relies on a custom air intake system made using Spectre Air Intake Components and Spectre HPR Air Filter HPR0882K. Use the Vehicle Search tool to find additional vehicle specific parts, or browse a wide array of custom Spectre Performance products. If assistance is required please feel free to call Spectre Performance at 909-673-9800.
