Several Spectre Air Intakes for Ford Vehicles Get CARB Exemption

Spectre intake California Air Resources Board exemption

Several Spectre intakes for Ford vehicles have received CARB exemption

Every Spectre intake that is made, must receive an exemption from the California Air Resources Board, or CARB. CARB is a government agency, under the Environment Protection Agency, whose goals are attaining and maintaining healthy air quality, protecting the public from exposure to toxic air contaminants, and providing innovative approaches for complying with air pollution rules and regulations.

A main responsibility of CARB is to define vehicle emissions standards. In the state of California, it is referred to as a smog inspection. In order for the vehicle to pass the required smog check, it cannot have any aftermarket engine parts on it that are not CARB exempt. That is where our relationship with CARB comes into play.

Spectre 9976K cold air intake for 2011-2014 Ford F-150 5.0L trucks

The Spectre 9976K is one of the intakes that recently received CARB exemption

If we want to sell our products in California or in states that have adopted CARB rules, we need to have each of our products to have them tested. If they pass, we receive an executive order number, or EO. That EO number allows us to sell that product, for those applications, in the state. It may seem trivial, but it is a major process, and for anyone who lives outside of California and has never had to worry about it, you are lucky.

The most recent set of intakes that received CARB exemption fit various Ford vehicles. From the 2015 Ford Mustang 2.3L to 2007-2012 Lincoln Navigators. The full list is below, along with the various part numbers. For additional information on CARB legal products, visit the application page for the specific intake you need.

9019 for 2011 - 2014 Ford Edge 3.5L / 3.7L

9029 for 2015 Ford Mustang 2.3L turbocharged

9033 for 2015 Ford F150 5.0L

9034 for 2015 Ford F150 2.7L / 3.5L turbocharged

9041 for 2015 Ford Mustang 3.7L

9926 / 9926B / 9926K for 2005 - 2009 Ford Mustang 4.0L

9929 / 9929B / 9929K for 2011 - 2014 Ford Mustang 3.7L

9970 / 9970B / 9970K for 2009 - 2010 Ford F150 5.4L

9970 / 9970B / 9970K for 2007 - 2014 Ford Expedition 5.4L

9970 / 9970B / 9970K for 2007 - 2012 Lincoln Navigator 5.4L

9974 for 1986 - 1993 Ford Mustang 5.0L

9975 for 2009 - 2010 Ford F150 4.6L

9976 / 9976B / 9976K for 2011 - 2014 Ford F150 5.0L

9977 for 2010 - 2014 Ford F150 SVT Raptor / F150 Platinum 6.2L

9978 / 9978K for 2012 - 2014 Ford F150 3.5L turbocharged


